Love God. Live the Eucharist.

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First Sunday in Lent, Year B, February 18, 2018, by Fr. Kevin Anderson

You just heard in the gospel, that Jesus went into the desert. He went to take a pause from his regular life, to get his “head together” and become prepared for his tasks coming up. In essence, that’s what Lent is about . . . pause from our normal routine; get our wits together so that we are better prepared for life (and the tasks ahead of us). It is bring us back to our true selves . . . in how we can be and to whom God wants us to be


So how do you know if you if you are NOT in your true self? Or if changes need to happen?

Well there’s a technique called [show sign] called F.A.S.T.E.R. If you find yourself going faster and faster, then there’s something not quite right. The word FASTER is actually an acronym (meaning that each of these letter stands for something).


I have some people to help me. The first letter “F” what does it stand for? [A parishioner stands to read FORGETTING PRIORITIES]


Forgetting Priorities – This is when you move away from the core elements of what is important in your life. If you haven’t been attending to those people or activities that are really at the top of your list, then something needs to change. This is having many secrets or finding yourself neglecting the things (or people) that used to give you joy.


Who has the A? [A parishioner stands to read ANXIETY]


Anxiety – this is not having a brief moment of anxiety (we all do). But it is when we have lingering fears or worries. It can manifest itself with perfectionism, or trouble sleeping, becoming resentful, replaying old negative thoughts, over-medicating, abusing your body.


Who has the “S”?   [A parishioner stands to read SPEEDING UP]


Speeding Up – this is when we are super busy or always in a hurry . . . yet always having a good reason to justify working so much. This is when it is tough to relax, you feel driven, can’t turn off your thoughts. You skip meals, overspend or over-work. Or when you feel that you “must do it all.”

Who has the “T?”  [A parishioner stands to read TICKED OFF]


Ticked Off – this is when you seem to be in a constant state of anger or aggression. When you are constantly sarcastic or thinking only in black and white terms about the world around you. This also deals with road rage, overreacting to normal problems, needing be right, or always needing to someone or something to blame.


Who has the “E”? [A parishioner stands to read EXHAUSTED]


Exhausted – often the onset of depression. A hopeless feeling, “What the use?” Sleeping too much (or too little), feeling overwhelmed, tough time coping with everyday activities. A general “tiredness” in your body and in your attitude.


Who has the “R”?   [A parishioner stands up to read . . . RELAPSE]


Relapse – this is going back to a sense of yourself that you know isn’t good. That could be returning to misuse of alcohol or drugs, or inappropriate websites. Giving up or giving in.

Out of control. Returning to behavior that you swore would never happen again.   Usually with lots of secrets, shame and feeling abandoned.


So what do you do? Well, for extremes in any of those . . . don’t keep it secret. Talk to someone, preferable a counselor. Catholic Charities has a nun, Sr. Mary Fran who works out of Elk River. Her contact information is on the kiosk of both buildings.


But for most of us, what we need to do . . . is copy Jesus. Find times to be quiet. We probably don’t need to go to a desert for 40 days, but Lent is a 40 day journey . . . to NOT be faster. Take time. Turn the radio off in your car. Don’t watch so much TV. Limit your social media.


Find some time to talk with God. Use your own words. Be quiet. Perhaps just sit quietly more often. Take some deep breaths. Just be.


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