I need some teenagers to come up here and try something. Now probably no one is an expert at this, but did you notice that the more attempts someone had, the better they became. That important aspect is to try. There are many people who won’t ever attempt a new task (or sport or activity) because they won’t be very good at it. That’s too bad.
I like to say “Travel is good for the soul, but what is important is not the destination . . . it’s the journey.”
This parable that Jesus told in the gospel is one of my all-time favorite descriptions of Christian life. You see, here is the scenario . . . the master of the house sets two servants in charge of things while he is gone. And neither one gets the tasks done. The first one says, “There’s no way that I can do all these things so he starts goofing around and being a pest to the others.” The second servant likewise says “There’s no way that I can do all these things.” But he at least tries.
That’s the point. Of course there is much for us to do . . . solve world peace, cure hunger, end discrimination, have the Twins win a few games. Or personally, for each of us to become better people . . . not so impatient, not so judgmental, not so angry at family members, not so grumpy, etc. And Jesus knows that we are not going to succeed . . . but he wants us at least to try.
Or think of those relationships we have, the ones that we keep bumping into. .. or the ones that drive us crazy because that other person is not responding as we want. What do we do? Give up? We ask, “Why can’t they be perfect like I am perfect?” Poet David Whyte said, at a Conference last fall “A good relationship will always break your heart.”
Listen to this carefully . . . “We are responsible for trying but not for the outcome.” We do our best, we put in our time, we do our work (especially the tough love) and then we let go. Like in the parable, we are not the Master . . . God is. But we have to keep trying.
There was a hit song last fall by the artist Pink. The name of the song is TRY. Part of the lyrics goes like this . . . .
Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try try try
Gotta get up and try try try
Whatever it is before that God has set as your task, however impossible it seems . . . don’t give up. Don’t sabotage the outcome . . . do what you can. You don’t need to be “Man of Steel” or even to walk on water . . . but at least try your best.
So here is one thought for you to ponder this week . . . .”What are the beautiful things that God wants of you (or from you) this week? And what are you going to do to embrace it?”