It’s great to have First Communion this weekend. The kids here are just part of the entire group of 26, making their first communion. And in a bit they will coming up to the altar area to receive the presence of Christ. So I want to get them ready for it.
Notice that in the gospel story (which is called the “Road to Emmaus” story) the entire framework of the story resembles what happens at Mass. Jesus explains the scripture to them (which would be the Old Testament), then they break bread together. But also, notice that most of the story occurs as they are walking. They are on a journey, they are walking with Jesus.
So First Communicants, I want you to demonstrate for us the various ways that we can walk to receive the presence of Jesus. [I have them start at the tape mark and move toward the altar]. Now there are a couple of ways of coming up. One way is to march. So try that. March in place first [I call out “left, right, left, right” and bark out orders for them to “do it right” and with no smiling]. That didn’t seem right did it? Sometimes we think receiving Eucharist is to be done rigidly, or that we must “do it correctly.” Remember that Pope Francis keeps reminding us that the Eucharist is not a prize for perfection, but it’s food for the journey. That is, food for the days ahead. It may be a tough week for you, so come receive, because you’ll need this “boost of grace.”
So First Communicants go back to the tape line and try it again. This time “hop” toward the altar. [They hop] That’s no good either, for we can’t do this as just goofing around. This is important stuff; it is the real presence of Jesus. Not a symbol, not a sign, but the real presence. How do I know? That’s what faith does, it teaches us. And I know that it’s really hard to understand the presence of Jesus in a little bit of bread or a cup of wine, but it’s what he told us at the Last Supper, the night before he died.
So First Communicants go back to the tape line and try it again. How could be walk to the altar to receive? I say, “Do it mindfully.” That is, fully aware. Try a few steps exaggerating walking very carefully and slowly. Of course that’s not how we are going to walk to receive communion, but the ideas are still good. To be “mindful” and intentional. I say, “Come up walking prayerfully.” That is, praying as you walk. Praying for the people around you. Praying that this Eucharist will give you what God intends for you this week. You see, we can come up and demand things from God, “I want this to happen. Or thinking things better turn out as I want them to turn out.” But like we say in the Lord’s Prayer, it’s not OUR will, but God’s will to be done.
And kids [as they are standing near the altar area], just like the disciples did in the gospel story they received Jesus, and then went back to their homes to share their faith. It’s the same with us; we receive the Eucharist to become the Eucharist. We are to bring good news back to our schools, and to our families. Good news that God is here. That through any problems or hardships, no one has to feel alone for God is with them.
It’s just as our parish mission statement says, “Love God, live the Eucharist.” Kids, as you receive the Eucharist, go live it in how you treat one another. So now try walking mindfully back to your pews, asking yourself how can I love God this week? How can I live the Eucharist this week?