This feast of Jesus’ baptism is a big deal. It marks the end of the Christmas season and the
official beginning of Jesus’ ministry. It has been said that we celebrate is that
GOD BECAME HUMAN SO THAT WE CAN BECOME DIVINE. This started at the birth of Jesus and is officially marked at his baptism.
Here’s a way to understand that [show a lamp, unlit]. Let’s say this lamp is us. We say that Jesus is the light. Jesus was born (and eventually baptized) so that the light will shine in us. [Turn lamp on] In a sense we would say that Jesus (or God) in us. There is a belief that says God is everything (that’s called PANTHEISM) which is wrong. The correct belief is PANENTHEISM, which means God is IN everything. God is in us and as we will hear later on in Matthew’s gospel, we are invited to “let that light shine” through us.
But here is what happens to us. We don’t allow light to shine through us. Now, of course, we could say those blocks are the sins that we commit. You know, the obvious ones . . . lying, cheating, stealing [Take a few tape strips off].
But I find that the real culprit in allowing God’s light to shine are some odd behaviors that aren’t necessarily sins but are things that we all know that aren’t good for us:
-Not getting enough sleep
-Eating too much junk food
-Not drinking enough water.
We know those things but we still do them. It is as if God’s light has a hard time shining through us because we sabotage ourselves. So think of all the other things in your life, that hinder God’s light . . .
-Too much clutter in our homes [throw things out, donate extra clothes, keep things tidy]
-Not feeding our imaginations [not enough: reading of novels, listening to soulful music, watching artful shows on TV]
-Not spending enough time in nature [even with the cold, don’t make excuses breath in some fresh air]
-Not being an individual [e.g. not standing up to goofy ideas or always agreeing]
-Being OK with complexity [life is difficult, people are difficult. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you, doesn’t mean you can’t respect them or have a connection]
-Be of service [Pope Francis said, “We should step outside of our safe havens and get involved in working together to help solve local problems with generosity and love.”
I believe that God wants to shine through us. God’s wants to be a light for the world . . . and it starts with each of us. How do we know what to do, or what to “take away?” I can be as simple as honoring some rituals in your life [making time for good things]. For example to aside time to talk with a spouse or a close friend. Pope Francis says it starts with oHow setting aside time to spend with God, in prayer, in silence.
God want to shine through you. What are your blocks for letting this happen?