Love God. Live the Eucharist.

Browsing Blog

Christ the King, November 23, 2014, by Fr. Kevin Anderson

I have some questions for you . . . and I want you to raise your hand.  How many of you are now or have ever been on a team?  It doesn’t matter what kind . . . speech Team, sports team, etc.

How many of you have ever been on a basketball team?  Wow, that’s interesting. 


Well let me tell you about my basketball career.  I came from a long line of basketball stars: my dad, my older brother (the one who stole the mail with me from last weekend’s homily).  So I stepped in and I had a favorite position . . . bench.  Actually, I was lousy at basketball, but I played until 10th grade.  


Anyway, one game (by the stroke of luck) I was a starter.  I felt pretty good about the game; I even made a couple of baskets before anyone else did.  But I was especially feeling good because for the whole first half, I didn’t commit any fouls.  Yes, sir “clean playing” and I was feeling proud of it.


That is until the coach talked to me at half-time.  He said, “Anderson, would you get off you bee-hind and start being more aggressive? They’re killing us out there and you have to step it up.”  Whoa, here because I thought I didn’t make a foul, I was playing great.  Not so.


It’s sort of like the gospel story.  Notice that the condemned folks (the goats) are not charged with any of the crimes that we usually associate with bad behavior.  Jesus doesn’t say, “Away from me, you horrible thieves, adulterers, rapist and murderers.”  In fact, he doesn’t even mention a single thing they have done wrong.  Their crime was what they DID NOT DO!  Jesus says, “Away from me for I was hungry and you gave me no food, thirsty and you gave me no drink, naked and you didn’t clothe me, sick and in prison and didn’t visit me.”   They had action they were expected to perform, and they failed to perform them.


They were probably good people, but God wants more for them and from them.  The parable clearly says that it is not enough to just avoid doing bad things.  If you remember at the end of the homily, I ask you to ponder on three questions this week:

            How has God blest you?

            What does God want for you?

            How do you give back to God?

In the bulletin last weekend, we asked you to consider what God wants from you.  There are five areas of being a being a member of this parish, or any parish that we are invited to consider.  Five ways that we are asked to “get off the bench” and start playing.  Five ways that we are asked to put God first in our lives.


I would like you to pass down the sheets and pencils that are at the edge of your pews.  You are each to fill out a sheet; this includes all children, teens and visitors.  This is your pledge sheet.  You will each be bringing this forward during the Offertory Time along with your contribution.



Please read over the sheets and mark all that apply under each category.  How do you make God first in your life?  I especially want you to consider how much you are willing to pledge financially.  As I talked about last weekend, this is the monetary commitment that you are willing to make God first in your life.  Not giving from what is “left-over” from your funds, but right away. 


1. Pray Daily through:

___ meal prayers

___ morning prayers

___ prayer during the day

___ prayer at night (before sleep)

___ praying devotionals (e.g. rosary)


2. Attend Church Weekly at:

___ 5:00PM 

___ 8:30AM



3. Grow Spiritually by:

___ reading bible

___other spiritual reading

___attend FIRE programs

___attending faith formation activities

___ attend retreat (e.g. TEC, the Well)

___ receive Sacrament of Reconciliation

___attend Eucharist Adoration


4. Serve Joyfully by:

___ ministries at Mass

___ Parish activities/groups/committee

___ volunteer outside of Parish


5. Give Generously as:

___I (along with spouse/partner) will give 

       $ ____ each week to my Church

___I (along with spouse/partner) contribute

       to other charitable groups/organizations


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