Love God. Live the Eucharist.

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Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 26, 2015, by Fr. Kevin Anderson

[Story] Once upon a time, there was a small town in the wine country of Italy.  Everyone in the town either worked at a winery or had their own vineyards to make their own wine.  This area was famous for its excellent merlot wine.  Well, about this time of year as the town was emerging from cold winter, the elders declared that the town needed a festival to bring everyone together.  It seemed that as the town was growing and new people were coming in, they needed a way to help everyone get to know each other . . . so a festival was declared.


It was decided that each household should bring a some of their best wine and add it to a large vat, for everyone to share.  [Reveal a vat]  So people brought in their wine and added it to the vat [Have various people bring up containers to add to the vat].


Well, Marcus had a small vineyard and he had a decent crop this past year, but he got to thinking, “You know, there are other people in the village who have a lot more than me.  And since wine is made mostly from water, I could just add water to the vat instead of my wine . . . and no one would be the wiser.”    


So that’s what he did.  [I pour in a container of water].   That night at the festival, everyone was gathered and the mayor welcomed everyone and declared, “Let the festival begin.”  And he himself poured out the first glass of wine from the vat [I fill a wine glass from the vat]  And it was perfectly clear.  Everyone in the village did exactly as Marcus did; everyone thought, “Someone should make the contribution, not me.”


Well, as you have been hearing . . . this is Good Shepherd Sunday (weekend).  We hear again how Jesus says that he is like a shepherd who doesn’t just think of himself, but instead will do whatever he can to help the flock succeed . . . even to lay down his life for others.   Jesus says this not to brag, but to inspire us to do the same.  That is, to stop simply thinking only about ourselves, and to recognize how each of us can make a difference by what we do, by getting involved, by NOT relying on others to fill the vat but to make some sacrifices ourselves.


I love the verse in the second reading from the 1st letter of John that says, we are all God’s children.  Did you hear that . . . stop thinking someone doesn’t belong here! And John writes, but we don’t know yet what God has in store for us . . . that is, what we shall become.  Wow!


There are SIGN ME UP sheets (for adults and kids) at the end of the pews, along with pencils.  I want you to pass them out to everyone.  


[I explain signing up:  everyone needs to fill out a separate sheet


  • white for adults and teens who have been confirmed;
  •                                     adults sign up for only one Liturgical ministry
  •                                     adults sign up for as many other items/areas as you wish


  • yellow for students who will be in Kindergarten through 11th grade: grade NEXT FALL

                                    kids sign up for as many Liturgical ministries as you wish

  • If filled out a form at the New Member Welcome in January, you don’t need to . . . but you can fill out another. 
  • If lacking form or pencil, ask those in the pews around you, or raise your hand for ushers. 
  • sheets are 2-sided, so look at both sides. 


I challenge you “long-time” members to remember that we need you also.  Don’t be thinking that you “did your time” already.  It is like being in a family, that is you don’t “give up being a grandparent” because you did it already.  No, this parish family needs each of us to step up and get involved.


  • Either continue in the same activities or begin in something new, recommit each year. 
  • Fiscal year in the parish begins July 1st, and the parish life follows a similar pattern. 
  • Adults:  highlighted boxes only if wish to be part of the planning committee – the Development Team … if have been active and involved in the ministry and commit to gathering every 3rd Tuesday of the month in the evening, September -- May. 


Box on the bottom of the back page:  if overwhelmed with health issues; are primary care providers for a family member; cannot get out as much as you used to…. this lets us know that at the current time you are unable to commit to any of the activities listed.  You can always step forward later if you are more freed up to do so, as most opportunities for participation are also presented in the bulletin.  Please check that box so that we know you are unavailable and not that you missed this weekend.


We have a wonderful parish, but who knows what God has yet in store for us . . . especially when we all step up to fill up the vat (and not expect others to do so).


Place your finished sheets in the collection basket during offertory. 


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