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March 13, 2022: The Aura


I believe that Jesus had an aura. That is, a radiance or glow that beamed of JOY. I spoke about this last Wednesday for our Faith Formation night. You can view it through our parish website.


With Jesus’s aura, some could see it during his life, like the woman who touched his garment, or the blind man that just “knew.” But most often, the people, including the disciples, were unaware or not expecting it. Or as the gospel says, they “were asleep.” But in the story we heard today, Jesus’ aura was obvious. He radiated in appearance. He radiated joy, and goodness and love.  


And notice that that radiance comes as Jesus stands between two traditions. Between Moses and Elijah. Moses represents the law, rules, doctrine. Elijah represents the prophetic imagination, possibilities, what-if, why not.


And here’s the good part . . . each of us, because of baptism also share in that aura, that radiance. We can develop our radiance, or aura as we stand between the two traditions. That is, when we know our boundaries, we know the limits, or the rules . . . and add to them the possibilities, the what-if’s, the creative part.


We all need both. Without rules or boundaries we could “fly all over the place” with an anything goes attitude.

We become like those St. Paul talked about in the second reading and just want to keep eating, keep having stuff, keep doing whatever (with no limits).  


And without the creative part, we can get stuck in “it has to be this way” or it should never change. Saint John Henry Newman once said, “To live is to change, and to change often is to become more perfect.”


When we honor our boundaries [hands spread out horizontally], we can radiate joy as we find the creativity in it [hands spread out vertically]. An example is in sports, you need to know the rules, the limits . . . and then you can be creative with how you play. Another example, I enjoy red wine. But if I limit myself to only glass, I will enjoy it much more, rather than having on limits. Same with nearly many thing . . . art, making speech, intimacy, fishing. Honor the limits/rules but add creativity and depth.


So once you are aware of your radiance, and keep improving it . . . then what? Ah, look at the cover of the bulletin. Here is a list of things Jesus may want of you during Lent. Look at


  1. Will you believe that I am “in love” with you?
  2. Will you notice suffering in the lives of my “little ones?”
  3. Will you follow me?
  4. Will you try to see that all people are in need of love?
  5. Will you say “yes” to me when I ask you to feed others?
  6. Will you let me surprise you today?


You see, just as Jesus’ love and joy radiated out from him, so can it be with us. And when you [pointing to a person] share it and when you share it [pointing to a different person] good things can happen. And “Church happens” and “people of God happens.”


Well, we have a vehicle for you to cultivate/share your joy . . . and also to experience the joy of others. It deals with the Capital Campaign, which we call IGNITE FAITH. Just as a small flame can start something big, so it is with each of us.


  1. Last Thursday evening we had a big meeting for organizing our IGNITE FAITH Capital Campaign.

        There’s a powerful energy, aura already happening.


  1. The 24 subdivision leaders have started to invite some of you to help with the next competent. We need 200 volunteers to deliver a gift to fellow parishioners. The gift is a cross [like this one] made from the pews of the Zimmerman Church, St. Pius X.


  1. With the delivery of the gift, we are asking those parishioners to make a pledge to IGNITE FAITH capital campaign.


  1. Everyone will soon receive in the mail a booklet about the new church and the campaign.

It also contains a SAMPLE PLEDGE CARD.


  1. What I am asking of you is to become a VOLUNTEER VISITOR to deliver the cross and deliver the REAL PLEDGE CARD.


  1. It means

            Attending a brief training session on Thursday evening, March 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Church.

            Select 5 parish households you wish to give a gift from the parish (you choose a neighbor, a friend)

            Contact them to set a date to deliver the cross and give them their REAL pledge form

have them fill it out right there and seal it in confidential envelope

            receive the sealed decision,

Then you return back to me (you never will know what they committed to)


  1. The visits happen March 25 and April 7.


  1. You’re not asking them what they pledge, or telling them what to pledge. NOTHING. You are the delivery person only.  


  1. We want to make sure that all our households get visited. The meeting could happen at their home, here at church, a coffee shop, wherever.


  1. If you are willing to step up and spread that joy . . . fill out the card at the end of the pew. And put it in the collection baskets.


  1. If you can’t make the training meeting on Thursday, March 24, NO WORRIES. We will contact you

            on how it all works.


  1. The important part is for all members to be contacted, receive their gift . . . and then to trust God.


  1. In the next few days, you will receive a telephone call from one of our Subdivision leaders with all the

            details about the training meeting. Let us go out and IGNITE FAITH!


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