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May 8, 2022: What Name does God Call You?


What name does God call you? You were all given a name at birth, is that the name God uses. But as we celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend, some of you received special nick-names. . I asked some Mothers what they called their newborns. They said: peanut, sweetie, pumpkin, or monkey. Some of you Moms still use that name. But is that how God knows you?


The gospel talks about Jesus being a shepherd and we are the sheep. We hear his voice, which is important. Back in the time of Jesus, for each shepherd had a specific herd to take care of and each shepherd had a unique call that his own sheep would recognize immediately. You see, sometimes at night several flocks were herded together for protection, like in a cave. In the morning, how could the sheep be sorted? The shepherds would stand a distance from one another and begin calling their sheep. By hearing the various voices, the sheep could immediately detect the voice of their shepherd and follow him.  


But I’d like to take that further and imagine that Jesus calls each sheep by name. And Jesus calls you by name. But more so, Jesus has a special name for you beyond your birth name.  St. John Paul II said, “God has in fact, loved us from eternity and loves us as unique individuals. He has called every one of us by name, as the Good Shepherd calls his sheep by name. What name do you think that could be?


The essence of spirituality is to learn that name. But many times we don’t hear the name Jesus uses, because we are stuck on the bad names we’ve heard about ourselves, or that we call ourselves: stupid, fat, lazy, no-good, loser. Or we get stuck on something we did (even years ago) and so we keep labeling ourselves by that: liar, cheat, promiscuous, disappointment.


Consider the passage from the second reading. It says that the multitude, after great suffering, washed their robes and made them white by the blood of the Lamb. This is all poetic language, actually all of Revelation is poetic language. It means that God, and Jesus just said in the gospel that he and God (the Father) are one . . . God takes our messes (however bloody or ugly or frightening) God makes them beautiful and good.


And when you get stuck and can’t see the beauty in yourself that God sees, there’s something else going on. Richardo Sanchez, former lieutenant general in the United States Army wrote, “The devil knows your name but calls you by your sin. God knows your sin but calls you by your name.”


And the name that God calls you is more important than any other name that someone uses.   The name that God uses is the only ones you should be answering to. That name is more important than any mess you got involved with. For we are invited to be like the disciples in the first reading and be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.  


Again, what name does God call you? You’ll know it, when you hear it . . . and there’s a peacefulness inside you. I want you to close your eyes at this time and listen. Which of these names gives you a peaceful sense: my Beloved, my Masterpiece, my Treasure, Blessed one, Chosen one, Forgiven, Worthy, Friend    


[Sing] Do not be afraid, I am with you, I have called you each by name, Come and follow Me
I will bring you home, I love you and you are mine


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