This past Friday was the 13th. For some people, 13 is an unlucky number and they try to avoid it. But years ago it was a lucky number for it represented the sum of Jesus with his 12 apostles. That is 13.
Same thing with walking under a ladder. [I set up a ladder against a wall.] Some people consider walking under a ladder bad luck. But years ago, it was considered good luck. For a leaning ladder reminded people of the ladder against the cross that Jesus died on. For soldiers tried to get Jesus to drink vinegar wine mixed with gall (to ease his pain) but he refused. And to walk under it was to remind people of the blood of Jesus that dripped from the cross. Also a leaning cross also formed a triangle representing the Holy Trinity.
Things aren’t always as they seem. The gospel tells the story of something that seems reasonable . . . to hide money so as to NOT lose it. To bury it. But it is just the opposite that Jesus praises, go USE it, invest it, be resourceful . . . then it will bring huge rewards.
Well, this weekend is Pledge Weekend. A time for each of us to look at what God has given us (like the men in the gospel who were given money) and we decide what we are going to do with our money. Precisely on how to give back to God. I have parishioners Derek & Jane Bolan to offer insights as to what they have done with what God has given them.
All your contributions are valued. Everything you give is an investment in the future of our parish and the future of the Catholic presence in this area. We also thank you for the volunteering that you do, the time that you share with us and the generosity in giving to the Capital Campaign. Remember, your goal for tithing does not include you contributions for the new church. That is a separate cause, but still worthy.
I invite you to look at the Giving Charts in the bulletin. Notice that one is for monthly giving and one for yearly giving. You have been asked to look at your budget for 2021 and to make a pledge today as to what you plan to give to the parish starting in January. Your giving is not to be merely a “whatever is leftover” in my budget, but is meant to be a part of your budget. That is, to intentionally give back to God. 10% is the goal, with 5% going to the church, 4% to all those other great charities and 1% to the Diocesan needs.
Now, look at the PLEDGE CARDS which you received when you arrived. We ask that every household fill one out. Figure out the commitment that you can make to our parish for the calendar year 2021. Then tear off the smaller portion to keep for your records. [All sign]
If you have a dollar bill, or even a coin I invite you to look at it right now. Notice that on every bit of currency we have (dollar bill or coin) there is a phrase on it. It says, “In God We Trust.” We pledge ourselves to do that very thing . . . trust God.