Sing refrain one:
To everything, turn, turn, turn.
There is a season, turn, turn, turn.
And a time to every purpose under heaven.
Well, this was not the time for the MN Vikings. Of course it was a tough loss last weekend. And any sports loss (or win) can never be attributed to one person. Actually, this was a fun year to be a Viking’s fan. But what particularly bothered me about last Sunday was prior to the game Bud Grant came out on the field . . . with only a golf shirt.
Now I am a big Bud Grant fan. I rooted for him all through those Super Bowl appearances. And his style of playing football in the winter (not allowing his players to wear gloves, or long underwear or have heaters) affected all of us who played High School football during those years. But, come on Bud we already know that you are tough. So I say to you what Mary probably said to Jesus in the gospel . . .
So let me explain that. It seems that Mary felt a need to “salvage” the wedding but also to nudge her son to do what he is meant to do. Up to this point Jesus hadn’t performed any miracles and Mary knows his potential. So in a sense she is saying, “It’s time. Be who you are meant to be.”
I would like to tell Bud Grant, “Bud, it was below zero and you don’t have to act so macho. Put on a coat. It’s time.” It’s time to stop perpetuating this “toxic masculinity” myth. You can be manly and tough . . . with a coat on!
This fits right into the category when anyone thinks being “manly” means NOT using common sense. For example, when it’s below zero, you put a coat on. When you are in a relationship you talk and communicate. For you miss-guided males who think that not sharing your feelings or not showing any pain is how you are supposed to be. I say, “It’s time. It’s time to grow up.”
Or you women, who are stuck with the fear that you are valued because you look young, or thin . . . or that you need to be “super woman” all the time . . . I say, “It’s time. Time to wake up and be yourself, stop being a “pleaser” and one who can’t fail.
To everything, turn, turn, turn.
There is a season, turn, turn, turn.
And a time to every purpose under heaven.
A time to build up, a time to break down.
A time to dance, a time to mourn.
A time to cast away stones.
A time to gather stones together.
And for those of you who want to improve yourselves . . . it’s time. If you want to lose some weight, well it’s time to stop eating so much. If you are spending too much time on that inappropriate web site . . . it’s time. For those who want to get back into shape . . . it’s time. Start doing some stretching or some simply movements.
If you want to be closer to God . . . it’s time. Start opening your bible and read. Start telling God about your concerns. Make a commitment to be, here, at Church every week
There are people who have want to make changes in their lives . . . a better job, to stop being so fake at school, to learn that new craft. It’s time.
If you want to make the world better, or our Church better. Well . . . it’s time. Volunteer. Get off you behinds and get involved. Stop waiting for someone else to start. As Gandhi says, “Be the change you want for the world.”
As St. Paul talked about in the second reading . . . we all have been given gifts; that is we all have talents and grace that we can use to make the world better. So this is your time to use your gifts.
If you see yourself as grumpy or stuck in complaining. If you are not sleeping well, or you keep waiting for that other person to bring up the difficult discussion. Perhaps it is not “them” that need to change. If you have been wanting to make some changes. It’s as if Mary were nudging, not only Jesus, but also you with . . . “It’s time.”
A time to gain, a time to lose.
A time to rend, a time to sew.
A time for love, a time for hate.
A time for peace, I swear it's not too late.
To everything, turn, turn, turn.
There is a season, turn, turn, turn.
And a time to every purpose under heaven.