Sing: “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, Prepare ye the way of the Lord,” That is a song from the musical Godspell, sung by John the Baptist. It comes right from the readings and describes John’s basic message of preparing the way.
The image in the first reading offers some wonderful imagery on this. Isaiah, the prophet says that the valleys shall be filled in and the mountains leveled so that that way of the Lord is easy.
Let me show you how it works. I want all those people in these pews [middle section, right side] to raise up your hands. You are now the high mountains. And I ask those in these pews [middle section, left side] to bend over in your seat. You are now the valleys.
[I go stand to the side of the middle section] Well, if I want to get from here over to the other side, I need to scale these big mountains [section raises their hands] and to cross those low valleys [section bends over in their seats]. It would ertainly make my journey easier, if this was level ground. Or a straight pathway, as Isaiah said.
Of course, then we are to apply that imagery to our lives. And most often we think of all those things that hinder us from getting close to God. With that thought, “preparing the way” seems to mean eliminating those obstacles. For example: that bad behavior
that offensive language
those harmful thoughts
That is, take care of those things and your path to God is clearer.
Yet, did you notice the subtle difference of words in the reading. It is not “prepare the way TO the Lord” it is prepare the way OF the Lord. It is not so much taking away, or eliminating, those things that keep us from God. It is about taking away those things that hinder God getting to us!!
This is huge. It is about recognizing all the mountains [invite to put up their hands} or the valleys [invite section to lean over] that we put up as obstacle before God. In one sense, it could be the same items that hinder us from going to God . . . that is, sins, worries, behavior, etc. But think of it differently. Imagine that one of God’s deepest desires is to get closer to you. What do you create as obstacles?
For example . . .
Staying mad at God for something that happened (or didn’t happen) in your life. Somehow you think God planned. That God purposely intended to screw up your life and so, even today, you stay mad at God . . . and never let God get close.
Needing to have everything explained or rationalized that happens in the world. Perhaps you could make more room for miracles and mystery and wonder. Too many of us have become so cynical, grumpy and distrusting. For instance, when we try to analyze the miracles that Jesus did. Or we suspect there is an underlining motive when someone does something nice for us. We could allow for grace and goodness to appear. To return to a child-like trust with God.
You know, this entire fall I am rereading my journal entries from the time I was on sabbatical in Sydney in 2013. And recently, I read a day that changed my life. I realized that the reason God gave me gifts, and insights and good opportunities . . . was not to achieve some grand accomplishment, or to write a best-seller book or go on Super Soul Sunday with Oprah. No, the reason God gave me anything (and everything) was only because God loves me. That’s it. Wwhatever I do with my life will never be a disappointment to God. I may continue to make mistakes, to sin, to hurt others and God doesn’t want that. But it is as if God is saying, “If you want to keep writing songs, that’s cute. If you want to keep improving on your homiles, that’s nice. But I did not give you those abilities because I was expecting anything from you. Only because I love you. Enjoy.
Here’s another example of putting up obstacles for God to get close to God . . . time. We don’t give God time. Or we don’t give God our BEST time. Instead, we work on our relationship with God when we have a need, or there is a huge problem. That’s OK. God can handle it. But how about NOT coming up with all these excuses for not being quiet with God. Give God some of your best time. Whether that is here at Mass, or the quiet of your bedroom.
Don’t let your prayer time consist of you doing all the talking. Let God speak. Let God get closer. Sit down with God. Pause with God. Take some deep breaths with God Let’s try it together [Have everyone close their eyes and take a few deep breathes together].
Let God in. Maybe God has something to say to you in that bible that you haven’t opened in a while. Maybe God has something to tell you in that Christmas song, so really listen to the words. Maybe God can be present to you as you help someone in need.
There are lots of things you can do. It starts with becoming more aware.
[Sing: Prepare the way of the Lord. Prepare the way of the Lord. . . . ]