[I show how I can control this toy car with a remote control device. I brag about it. Eventually I put down the remote control device and the car starts moving anyway . . . and even comes “at me” to harass me.]
You know remote control devices are great. We use versions of remote control every day . . . for TVs, starting our cars, opening garage doors, drones, video games, stereos; even a mouse for your computer is considered “sort of” a remote control.
And now we don’t even have to have a hand device with voice commands like Alexa and Siri.
The problem is, we start wanting to control SO MANY things around us . . . the weather, world events, plays the Vikings choose, interest rates. But mostly we want to control others . . . our kids, our parents, that co-worker, that team mate, that neighbor, that politician, that priest . . . and usually the biggest issues of control occur with those closest to us . . . our parents, our friends, our kids, our spouses. And even we want to control God, or at least have God do what we want. That’s why some people pray . . . to control God.
In the gospel, Jesus mentions that term mammon. The term is found only twice in the entire bible. One, we just heard. Often we assume it is another name for money. It’s not, but it can stand for all the materialism, gluttony, greed, excesses and lusts that we all have. So it is usually associated as a terrible thing.
When Jesus says that we can’t serve two masters, God and mammon (that is, worldly things, possessions. etc.) we all could agree, “Oh yea, that kind of mammon is bad. Greed, gluttony, excess, etc. it’s all bad.”
But what if when Jesus talks about not serving two masters, he could also be referring to God and CONTROL. Whoa. That we either serve God . . . or we serve being in control, having it our way, being on top of things, have command.
And I know what you’re thinking, “Can’t we sort of have both? Sort of following God and sort of be in control of things?” I get it, because at some level we all need to set things up . . . have the ingredients for the recipe, have the equipment ready for the game, get FALL FEST volunteers in place. The difference is . . . who is responsible for the final outcome. Is it you (and your lists, your wit, your planning, your need to have everything “just so”) or is it God?
What if things didn’t turn out, as you wanted? What if your kid doesn’t turn out to be wonderful? What if your spouse has flaws? What if your batch of cookies are just OK? What if your playing at that game was filled with mistakes? What if that family member does make that choice that you are dreading? What if you can’t make that person love you? What if you had to face what is really scaring you . . . about your life?
Ultimately, all fears comes from a desire to control.
So here’s the best part . . . in trying to decide which master to serve . . . perhaps one (control) will probably still make you nervous, anxious and disappointed. And the other (God) is guaranteed to bring you peace, calm and serenity. Although, things might not turn out as you want
How do you want to live? So think of that situation, or event or relationship that you want to control SO BADLY. Ask yourself . . . how would you react if God were in control and not you? You choose.