Love God. Live the Eucharist.

Browsing Blog

September 29, 2024: You Belong


The gospel and the first reading deal with HR issues. That is, there are “outsiders” that the disciples of Jesus and Moses are complaining about.  That is, there are some people who are not part of our group (who by the way are doing good things), and the disciples feel that they don’t belong, so make them stop! 


What’s up . . . jealousy? egos? fear? being threatened by outsiders?  Both Jesus and Moses offer a wake-up call and say, “Come on, if they are not against us then consider them for us.” Think of how often you have done the same . . . judging that someone doesn’t belong. Some of you kids are doing that at school. Becoming fearful because someone doesn’t look like you, being threatened because things are not the same with “those kinds of people” around. Basically saying, “You don’t belong.”  


Back in 2019, Pope Francis said, “We are not in an era of change, but in a change of eras and that the rise of hatred and division stems from fear of that change.”  Things change. Your family has changed (kids grow up, new partners arrive). This parish has changed (with births, deaths, new members).  Our country has changed (not everyone is white or Christian). Changes can make some people angry and afraid, I suppose because the changes seem like a threat that undermines our self-identity and foundation as a family, as a parish, or as a country.  Lots of people want everything to go back to how it was.  But the toothpaste is out of the tube.  We live in a changing world, but that doesn’t mean our values and decency have to change.  Instead, changes can make us more open, more welcoming, more Christ-like.   


Here at the parish there have been changes, we don’t just have parishioners from Princeton or Zimmerman, we have parishioners as far away as Ramsey, Onamia, Cambridge, Mora, St. Francis, St. Michael, St. Cloud, Champlain, Corcoran, Monticello and all the places in-between.  Also, we are not a parish with two church buildings anymore, and on June 1st, 2025, we will be moving into Phase One of our future home.  To all of you who are excited this, to all who dread it and to all who don’t know what to think, we say, “You belong.”  


We have an on-line congregation from all parts of the United States.  We say to you, “You belong.” 


We have blended families, we have families in transition, and we have families that never resembled Ward and June Cleaver.  We are blessed with individuals who are single, widowed, divorced and some who can’t wait to marry.   To all of you we say, “You belong.”   


As you know the Catholic Church continues to set up a large tent with people who are Republicans, Democrats, Independents and many who don’t know what they are.  To all of you we say, “You belong.”   


We have individuals who are gay, straight, bi and those still trying to figure things out.  We have those with physical hindrances or social or emotional trauma. To all of you, we say, “You belong.” 


We have jocks, nerds, Packer fans, college professors, introverts and extroverts, we have musicians, alcoholics, visitors, long-time members. We have some riding high on life and some barely able to make it out of bed each day. We have toddlers and elders. Newlyweds and newly divorced. To all of you, we say, “You belong.” 


You see, we here at Christ Our Light are trying to do as Jesus instructed the first followers to do. To be church. That is, not to focus on who doesn’t belong, but to be open.  To be welcoming to all.  We are trying to do as Jesus asked . . .  not to live in fear, or be threatened by those who seem unique (like we heard about in the readings).    


We are a community of saints and sinners, wounded and whole. We are church. We are not perfect. But if you don’t mind sitting next to a flawed person, worshiping with someone who sings off-key, or being a member with someone who perhaps votes differently than yourself . . . then we say to you, in the name of Christ our Light, “You belong.” 


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