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Sunday, April 26, 2020: You are near



There are some things that seem unbelievable.  Did you know that a sneeze can travel up to speeds of a 100 miles per hour, and that sneezes will travel beyond the 6 feet that we are distancing ourselves?


Did you know that there is no such thing as a $1,000,000 dollar bill?  But thanks anyway to the person who gave this to me.


Did you know that you can’t separate your ring fingers with you knuckles touching?  Try this . . . touch your pointer fingers together [Demonstrate] and then touch your knuckles together and separate your pointer fingers. [Demonstrate] Easy right?   Now touch your ring fingers together [Demonstrate] and then fold the other fingers in to touch knuckles together [Demonstrate].  Now try separating your ring fingers.  Can’t do it right? 


Well, there’s lots of things that are unbelievable today, and WERE unbelievable back in the time of Jesus.  For instance, the whole idea of someone being raised from the dead was not believable as demonstrated by the two followers of Jesus in the gospel.  They had probably heard Jesus predict that this was to happen, yet when it did happen they sound confused, for they say . . . “Gee, now his tomb is empty.  I wonder what happened.”


The news was simply too good to be true.  Which is like most things . . . like when I tried to deposit that $1,000,000 bill (just kidding).  Or when some people suggested that this COVID 19 virus was just another flu, no big deal (now we are NOT kidding).


But notice that in the gospel story the disciples felt so lost and confused.  They are walking AWAY from Jerusalem.  Jerusalem was the place where Jesus was crucified and represents their pain.  They were expecting Jesus would be the Savior and solve all problems. 


And then Jesus shows up as if to say, “I know that you are in pain.  I know that you must be confused because things are not working out as you thought.”  And Jesus walks with them, he stays with them, he enters their home, he sits down for a meal.   It’s as if Jesus is telling them, and us, “I have not left you, even during your times of confusion, or anger or fear. I will continue to walk with you. Maybe you are feeling alone, but you are never alone.” 


It’s like the words of Psalm 139.  [I sing and play guitar for verse 2, and refrain]


Where can I run from Your love? 

If I climb to the heavens You are there;
If I fly to the sunrise or sail beyond the sea,

Still I'd find You there.


My Lord, I know you are near,

Standing always at my side.
You guard me from the foe,

And you lead me in ways everlasting.


[Instrumental continues on piano]  Use see, like your ring finger that can’t move by itself.  If you put all of your fingers together like you are praying [Demonstrate] You can easily move them . . . for we are a community who prays together.  Yea, we might not be in the same building, bur our church is more than a building.  We are a people praying together . . . even as you are viewing this right now, there are probable hundreds, if not thousands watching this with you. 


And all of us, have been going through spells of sadness . . . missing our friends, not hugging family members, sharing together at Mass, feeling isolated  . . .  but  you are never alone.  Christ walks with you.  Share your thoughts with Christ. Don’t hold back . . . talk about your anger, your fear, your depression and know that wherever you are on your journey (like the gospel), Christ says, “I know what pain is, for I, myself, suffered.   I know what is like to be betrayed, abandoned, rejected, abandoned, endure physical pain and to lose my life.   But I give to you, as I gave to the disciples . . . is hope. 


You may feel alone, but you are never alone. For I am so close to you. I know when you sit and when you stand.  I have searched your heart and I will keep your from harm.”


[sing verse 2 and refrain]

Lord, you have searched my heart,
And you know when I sit and when I stand.
Your hand is upon me protecting me from death,
Keeping me from harm.


My Lord, I know you are near,
Standing always at my side.
You guard me from the foe,
And you lead me in ways everlasting.


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