Love God. Live the Eucharist.

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The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas), December 25, 2018, by Fr. Kevin Anderson

I need some kids to come up here and help me with the homily.  [I show them a large empty glass vase.]  OK, it is empty, right?  So help me fill it with these Christmas ornaments. [Kids put non-breakable ornaments into the vase.]   Now it is filled, right?  Is there any more room in

room in there?  [Then I pour water into the vase. And I send the kids back to their pews.]


Isn’t that something?  Even though it seemed there was no more room in the vase, that wasn’t true.  You just heard the remarkable story of Jesus being born in a stable because there was no room in the inn.  There was no room, but God came anyway. There was no room, but that didn’t stop God from begin born. 


In today’s world, with such a hectic pace there seems to be no room in our lives for God . . . no time for prayer, no room in our schedules to attend Mass on a regular basis . . . but God comes anyway into your life anyway. 


Sometimes within families, it seems everyone is so closed up, but God comes anyway.  Sometimes with the news so full of tragedies and conflicts in the world, God comes anyway in the form of good people stepping up to help others (just as many of you are stepping up this week as we assist a young family who are homeless to stay in our Church basement, because they have no home,


God doesn’t come into your life because you are finally perfect, or that you have finally reached spiritual perfection.   God comes for the exact opposite reason . . . because you are so full, because you are so busy and you think that you have no space for God . . . God just shows up.  It’s as if God is saying . . .

-“Yea, you think your life is just a stinky barn with do-do all around. 

Well I like it.  I’m here to stay and to tell you that I planning to be with you all year long, all life long, not just a Christmas. 


I am here for you in the quiet of nature, in the flicker of a candle,

in the beauty of music,

in the calm of a sunset. 

I have come into your life, not because you are good, but because I, God, am good.”


Sing verse 1

Are you far away from home this dark and lonely night/day?

Tell me what best would help to ease your mind/way:

Someone to give directions for this unfamiliar road

Or one who says, “Follow me and I will lead you home. 

One who says, “Follow me and I will lead you home. 






And here’s the best part, just as we think there’s no room for God in our lives . . . we sometimes feel that there is no room for us in God’s inn.  You know, because of the horrid secret or the way society has made you feel because of who you are, or that bad habit you have . . . sometimes we feel that there is no room for us at the inn . . . or in a church or at the table.  And that’s not true. 


Christmas is about believing how true, and common, miracles are.  And it is the miracle . . . that you belong.  No matter what you said, or what you’ve done.  No matter what you believe, or don’t believe . . . you belong. Welcome home.


verse 2 

How beautiful, how precious the Savior of old,

to love so completely the loneliest soul.

How gently, how tenderly He says to one and all,

 “Child you can follow me and I will lead you home.”

Trust me and follow me and I will lead you home.


verse 3

Be near me, Lord Jesus I ask Thee to stay

Close by me forever and love me I pray.

Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,

and take us to heaven to live with Thee there.

Take us to heaven to live with Thee there.


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