I used to teach high school theology and we started each class with a prayer. I usually didn’t start with the sign of the cross. One of the students, Jon, finally raised his hand and said, “ Why don’t we use the Sign of the Cross? That’s like the only prayer I know!” I had not thought of the Sign of the Cross as a prayer, but he was right. It’s even one of the prayers we teach to the 2nd graders as they prepare for First Communion. It’s FOUNDATIONAL to all we do as Christians!
I think it’s so IN us that we really sometimes don’t even acknowledge its presence. We call today Trinity Sunday, but EVERY moment of our lives involves the Trinity. Even today you’ve probably already made the sign of the cross several times… blessed with Holy Water, genuflected, prayed and we’ll do it when we start and end Mass.
But to explain the Trinity is no easy task. Some have called it ‘the preacher’s nightmare.” In fact in our Catholic faith we call it a “Mystery.” It is so big that it cannot be contained to our human brains, but is more rightly so – hopefully – held in our hearts. It is not named anywhere in scripture. Jesus never said, ‘ The kingdom of God is like the Trinity.” But the work of the Trinity is ALL over scripture. In fact, it’s been said that the “Trinity is the basis of the Gospel and the Gospel is a declaration of the Trinity in action.”
The Catechism says. “The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. By the grace of Baptism, ’in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit’, we are called to share in the life of the Blessed Trinity here on earth.. and after in eternal light. “
Then there’s the trouble with the math of the Trinity. Now many of us know that 1+1+1 = 3. I know it’s summer, but kids, hopefully that was an easy equation! Well with the Trinity 1=3 and 3=1 . Again, doesn’t make much sense, that’s where this mystery part comes in. There are 3 distinct parts, but one unified WHOLE. An example would be your family. There are kids and parents and so you are each separate, but still ONE family unit. My sister lives in the state of Virginia, but she’s still part of my family. Or as a parishioner shared the other day that when she was teaching 1st grade she would explain the Trinity to her students by using the example of a Mother. She is one person, but at any one time she is probably doing several things… she’s a cook, a nurse and a driver, but still one mom and always mom no matter what she is doing.
St. Augustine once said, “ You see the Trinity if you see love.” I think as we reflect on the Trinity we start to see all of the ways we are connected one to another and to the world we live in. The Trinity is WITHIN and among us ALL THE TIME.
We were not meant to live alone. Our souls were created for connection for community. Lately in the news there has been much made of prisoners kept in solitary confinement and the detrimental effects of that on them. It is a sad and blatant example of what can happen without community. We are Christian because we relate to each other and OUR personal struggles and joys are the struggles and joys of all of us. That’s why we have the Prayers of the Faithful. That’s why we want to know when you are in the hospital or have something going on so that we can support you. The TRINITY is RELATIONAL. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are alive and active WITH each other. It’s not just me and Jesus or me and God or me and the Holy Spirit. It’s me and all three .There are those in our culture who think of the Trinity as me, myself and I… this is far from the truth of the Gospel.
God is the Creative force – you’ll hear in the a lovely reading from Proverbs today about the creation of the world and God’s work in that. Jesus, the son is the the peacemaker, the healer to put back together that which has been broken and the Holy Spirit is the truthteller reminding us to be grounded in honesty and integrity.
The Trinity can be a model for ALL of our relationships. How can we be CREATIVE in building up each other and the family of God? How can we like the Son be reconcilers and healers? And how can we like the Holy Spirit speak truth to power and recognize when there is injustice happening?
Every reaching out for companionship, every urge for a hug or embrace , every act of love gives indirect testimony to the presence in and belief of the Trinity.
During our liturgy at the prep of gifts we will sing, Thank you, O my Father, for giving us your Son and leaving your Spirit till the work on earth is done.
May every time we pray “In the name of the Father , Son and Holy Spirit” call us to creative communion, compassionate healing, more honest interaction and above all DEEPER Love.