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Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 14, 2018, by Fr. Kevin Anderson

This past summer, I had to the chance to do something fun on a big lake in Minneapolis. I went on something like this. [Ushers bring in a Paddle Board]. This is a Paddle Board. It’s a new form of exercise. A person stands on it and paddles, just like you would a canoe. It’s great for “core” strengthening and is just plain fun.


So, I am paddling along and this big speed boat goes by with a huge wake . . . and wham I am toppled over and thrown into the water. That boat wasn’t going that fast, but it caused a huge wave.


Well, I’ve been thinking . . . in a sense we all cause wakes by the lives we live. Even if we are not going so fast, there is still an effect to everyone and to everything.


I read a story about a young man who went to talk to his priest. The man was real clear about the material success he wanted, but not so sure about everything else. The priest asked him, “What are you committed to? What path are you on?” The young man said, “Nah, I’m going for all the religion junk.” The priest responded with, “Well, everyone has a religion, even if it is not recognized. Think of religion as the principles that form you, or guides you. Most often, you can determine that principle by the wake you leave. Look at how your life has affected others. Or better yet, ask a couple of dear friends what kind of wake you leave.”


Jesus suggests the same thing in the gospel; he is asking, “what is your grand operating principle?” What are the values you leave behind you (like a wake) not just what you talk about, but what can others see?


Many times, we look at our lives only with the eyes of “don’t.”   Like Jesus mentioned in the gospel. We look at our lives and conclude well I haven’t done this or that, so I must be a good person. Then Jesus tells the man in the gospel, “OK, now go and make a difference.” What wake are you leaving?   One of looking after yourself only? One of being a listener, when everyone else wants to yell? One of forgiveness when the world tells us not to forgive?  

You know, most of world values winners . . . but Jesus is always about losing, about letting go, about not being #1 but being last.


Or think about your life as a garden. Ask yourself what is growing? What is harvested? Your garden would include all of the stuff of your life . . . your loves, your disappointments, your wealth, your poverty. How have you made a mark in this world?


Jesus makes a clear point in the gospel . . . for he says that how we spend our money determines our principles. For you can always buy more and more stuff. And others can say, “Wow, you have a lot of stuff.” Does how you spend your money reveal your principles? What do you spend your money on? Does your check book (or credit card sheet) indicate what is most important to you?


The first reading talks about King Solomon . . . he could have had anything as a gift from God. What did he choose? Wisdom.


Two weekends ago, the readings were also about money and spending. I challenged all of you to start giving more money to the church and to the new building fund. If this community, or your receiving the presence of God, is important to you . . . does your giving reflect that?


So to make it easier for you, I included in the bulletin this week a guide to help you determine how much you could be giving. It’s based on how much you make and a percentage of what it means to “give back.” The biblical principle is 10%. It’s called tithing. I know for a fact, that anyone who actually gives $10 has never had to worry about money. It’s like leaving a wake, you give to what is important . . . now wise are you with giving.


But there’s another thing. You remember that big wake that the speed boat left. Well, the reason that is was so big, is that it was purposely making a big wake so that a person was surfing behind it. I am not kidding. It was so interesting, but mostly it was of joy.


You giving is meant to produce joy. Those people who actually tithe 10% NEVER have any money worries. NEVER!   If you are concerned about finances, think about what you give back to God. And give back with joy.



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