In the gospel, Jesus asks the question “Who do you say that I am?” Hopefully you can all come up with a response to that question, but before we get to that . . . I want to turn the question around. Think of how you would respond is Jesus asks you, “Who do you say that you are?’
I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you can respond to that question by what you carry around with you. That is, the stuff that is in your pockets, purses, wallets and also your backpacks. As you know, today we are blessing backpacks for those who use them. So I invited all the kids to come up here with me, and if you have your backpack with you, please bring it up [Kids come and sit in sanctuary.]
Kids, how many of you own a backpack? [Show of hands].Your backpacks are probably as different as you are. That is, there is no “one kind for all.” But suppose I could find out lots about you by looking at the items in your backpack. What are some things that you carry in your backpacks?
[As kids respond, I describe how each relates to faith.]
Things in a backpack:
Pencils, markers, pens – that you are ready to for whatever comes your way
Be ready for life. Start your day with prayer.
Gym shoes – stay healthy
Be balanced.
Erasers – don’t hang onto to mistakes
Don’t hang onto past grudges/stereotypes of others (e.g. kids from last year)
Glue sticks – meet new people
Ear phones – listen (to what God is trying to teach you this year)
Lunch, snack – need nourishment (take care of self . . . eat healthy food, get enough sleep, etc.)
Folder – stay organized
Come to Church each week to help get ready for the week
Cell Phone – stay connected to God
What we don’t bring:
Last year’s text books – be open to new learning
Toilet Paper – (I am not referring to toilet paper as a good description of Moms, like I said on Mother’s Day) But we trust that we will be taken care of at school.
Same with faith. In the gospel, Jesus affirms Peter’s response of “You are the Christ.” Which means that as follower will also face hardships/difficulties. That is OK. Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes the school year is hard, but especially when you feel persecuted (or feels like you are being crucified) trust that Jesus is always there for you. That is, you are NOT alone. To remind you of this we have a button for you to have this year (and maybe attach to your backpacks). These are meant as reminders for you school year.
Buttons to be given out:
“Designed for a purpose” “Wonderfully Made”
“Created with God’s Love” “God Always Loves You”