Love God. Live the Eucharist.

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First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 27, 2016, by Fr. Kevin Anderson


Well, it happened. I received my first Christmas gift of the year on Thanksgiving. [Reveal a package.] It was from my sister and her husband. [Reveal an ugly Christmas sweater].  


When I pulled it out of the bag I said, “Well, I’m speechless.”   If you cannot see it from the back, this sweater has Santa faces on it, and little Christmas trees . . . and it is quite unique.


My sister said, “Of course you know it’s an ugly Christmas sweater meant for ugly Christmas parties.” “Oh, of course, I knew that.” I said, although I wasn’t quite sure. My sister added, “We didn’t want to wait until Christmas; but we are giving to you early so that you have some fun with it NOW.”


And that got me thinking . . . too often we plan our fun for the future. For example thinking, “Oh when I finally have that project done, then I’ll enjoy the season. Or when we have a break from school, then I can be happy. Or getting into the stickin’ thinkin’ that IF the situation changes (e.g. that person changes, or when I meet the right person) then I will be happy.


How many of you watched the Viking’s game on Thanksgiving? Raise your hands. It was an exciting game, right? For those who didn’t see the game, it was tied until an interception by the Detroit Lions during the last minute, let them score on a field goal to win the game. It was an exciting game to watch.

Too many of you think, “I will only enjoy the game IF the Viking’s win.”   Come on, win or lose it was still fun.


What kind of message do we send to our kids . . . that only winning will make us happy? My brother has a great motto that he says to his kids as they play sports. After a game that they have played he asks, “Did you try your hardest? Did you have fun?” If so, then it was a great game. Not, it was great ONLY if you win.


Too often we think that our happiness will come only after “such and such” is accomplished.

For example:   when the house is cleaned

                        when I get that promotion

                        when I get my Christmas baking all finished

                        when I get that Barbie Dream House

                        when I get my Driver’s license

                        when I am on the beach of Florida

Well, let me tell you . . . happiness is for right now! If you are not happy right now, you will not be happy on the beach of Florida. For there, you will find something to worry about, or to complain about. For example, “Oh the sun is too hot. Oh I got sand on my towel.”


In the gospel, Jesus is saying, “Don’t wait for SOMEDAY to arrive to start working on the things that you need to start working on.”   Do it now!   You don’t know when THE end is coming. And you don’t know when YOUR end is coming.


-If you have some habit that you need to stop doing, start now . . . not SOMEDAY

-If there is something that you need to mention to co-worker, say it soon . . . not SOMEDAY

-If you feel bad about a relationship that has been festering for months, address it now. . not SOMEDAY

-If you need to say that you are sorry, or to write that note of appreciation . . . now, not SOMEDAY.

-Get that tooth fixed. Go check out that mole. Find out if that back pain is something critical.

This Advent we want to use the image of LISTENING TO GOD as our theme as a parish. This a great time of year to start intentionally listening more to God. Too often when we pray, it is a ONE-WAY conversation. Whereas we do all the talking and don’t let God speak.  


God wants to give us a message, but perhaps that means for you become open to receive it:

-Perhaps it is a quote that you will read a quote in those little blue Advent daily prayer booklets.

-Maybe it’s a message from a song. Do you listen to the lyrics of the songs we sing? Or tonight we

            have a singer-song writer giving us a free concert. Perhaps there is a message that you need to


-Maybe it will be taking the time to be quiet. During the Tuesdays of Advent we will have Adoration

            and a quiet space in the North Church daily Chapel from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. Join us.

-Maybe it’s in receiving God’s grace through the sacrament of Reconciliation. Next weekend, I and

            Fr. Ed Schefers available all weekend for reconciliation (or confession, as it used to be called).

It will basically be before and after all the weekend Masses. The complete schedule is in the

            bulletin and on-line.   We also have staff available if you just want someone to talk to about life

            or about faith. It will also be a quiet weekend. So when you arrive next weekend, we ask

            that you be quiet and get into that prayerful attitude. Likewise when you leave, do so in

            quiet next weekend.


But more critical that all of those things, as St. Paul mentioned in the second reading as he is writing to the Christian who lived in Rome, he says, “Wake up. Put on Christ.”


That is, would you finally “lighten up” and enjoy yourself. Geez, don’t take life so seriously. Let God delight within as much as God delights for you. Stop stressing and worrying about things. Enjoy the calm of beauty of the season.   Have more fun . . . NOW. Not SOMEDAY.


Maybe wear your ugly Christmas sweater, not at one of those parties . . . but every day.            


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