Love God. Live the Eucharist.

Pastoral Council

Pastoral Council serves the parish by praying, studying and listening to the pulse of the church and community. It actively participates by visioning, dreaming and planning for the long-range future of the parish and advising the Pastor in various matters.

A Parish Pastoral Council is the “primary visioning body of the parish, this group assists the pastor in:

  • Soliciting the wisdom of the parish community on pastoral matters
  • Forming a consensus about pastoral planning, which address the needs of the parish.
  • Communicating that pastoral vision to the parish as a whole
  • Involving parish leadership on implementing the vision.

Christ Our Light's Pastoral Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of month from September to May. 

Our 2024-2025 Pastoral Council

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Fr. Kevin AndersonPastor ~ 763-389-2115

Gerry Leone, Chair ~ 952-334-3445

Greg Wenisch, Vice Chair, Buildings/Grounds Liason ~ 507-382-5119

Paul Gearhart, Secretary, Social Concerns Liaison ~ 763-268-9338

Jane Bolan, Liturgy & Environment Liaison ~ 763-548-4071  

Lynda Bouley, Education and Youth ~612-328-3672

Alejandra Marquez, Hospitality Liaision ~763-486-7379

Kimberly Watson, Stewardship and Evangelization ~ 612-889-4143

Sally Weddel, Trustee, Finance Council ~ 612-490-6896

Don Schleper, Trustee, Finance Council ~ 612-219-2253

David Badger (ex officio), Finance Council ~ 763-263-1937

Deacon Mark Barder (ex officio), Hospitality Liaison ~ 763-263-1937