Pastoral Council serves the parish by praying, studying and listening to the pulse of the church and community. It actively participates by visioning, dreaming and planning for the long-range future of the parish and advising the Pastor in various matters.
A Parish Pastoral Council is the “primary visioning body of the parish, this group assists the pastor in:
- Soliciting the wisdom of the parish community on pastoral matters
- Forming a consensus about pastoral planning, which address the needs of the parish.
- Communicating that pastoral vision to the parish as a whole
- Involving parish leadership on implementing the vision.
Christ Our Light's Pastoral Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of month from September to May.
Our 2024-2025 Pastoral Council
* * * * *
Fr. Kevin Anderson, Pastor ~ 763-389-2115
Gerry Leone, Chair ~ 952-334-3445
Greg Wenisch, Vice Chair, Buildings/Grounds Liason ~ 507-382-5119
Paul Gearhart, Secretary, Social Concerns Liaison ~ 763-268-9338
Jane Bolan, Liturgy & Environment Liaison ~ 763-548-4071
Lynda Bouley, Education and Youth ~612-328-3672
Alejandra Marquez, Hospitality Liaision ~763-486-7379
Kimberly Watson, Stewardship and Evangelization ~ 612-889-4143
Sally Weddel, Trustee, Finance Council ~ 612-490-6896
Don Schleper, Trustee, Finance Council ~ 612-219-2253
David Badger (ex officio), Finance Council ~ 763-263-1937
Deacon Mark Barder (ex officio), Hospitality Liaison ~ 763-263-1937
- Pastoral Council Constitution & Bylaws
- Approved Council Minutes: