Love God. Live the Eucharist.

Social Concerns & Outreach

We are all called to be God’s hands and feet. As a loving faith community, we work to coordinate our parish’s resources in order to provide the care to those in need – in our parish and in the community at large.


Social Concerns/Outreach Development Team: This development team is responsible for ensuring that our parish serves the world with the understanding and guidance of the seven Catholic Social Teachings. Along with coordinating our resources, this team will help balance the types of ministries provided at Christ Our Light so that we can be assured we are serving all the needs placed before us. Development teams meet each third Tuesday of the month, 6:30-8PM, September through May. Anyone is welcome to join.

St. Mary's of Red Lake: Find out more about Christ Our Light's sister-parish, St. Mary's of Red Lake, Minnesota.

Ministerial Declaration on Racism

Community Outreach

For information about Social Concerns & Outreach, contact Molly Weyrens, Pastoral Associate.