Pope Francis has declared the Third Sunday in Ordinary time to be called “Sunday of the Word of God.” It is invitation for Catholics across the world to deepen their appreciation, love and faithful witness to God and God's Word.
To honor Pope Francis' declaration, Christ Our Light is sharing a Scripture Reading Plan to read the entire Bible in one year. The plan is structured to do this by providing three Bible excerpts daily that can be read within 15 minutes.
Rather than trying to read the Bible from cover to cover, set aside 15 minutes each day to read three short Biblical excerpts. After 365 days, one will have read the entire Bible!
- Full Schedule of Readings (Print this double-sided and fold it up to fit in your Bible)*
- Bible Timeline (a quick explanation of how everything in the Old Testament connects to everything else)*
Include prayer
Each day, before you begin, it is good to say a prayer to quiet and open your heart. One possible prayer is shown below (or you can make up your own):
Dear Lord, thank you for your written Word and the mighty truths it contains.
We pray that you would open our hearts and minds to the truths that you wish us to see.
May we grow in grace and in a knowledge today.
In Jesus' name, Amen.