Staff Member: David Badger
David Badger
Director of Parish Operations
Phone: 763-265-4928
Email: Click Here to Email
What does a Director of Parish Operations do? Well, David takes care of many things on the business side of the parish, such as Human Resources for the parish staff, being the staff liaison to several committees including Finance Committee & Pastoral Council, and being right in the middle of all the excitement surrounding our building project, working as the Project Manager for COL. 32 years of combined experience in Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Continuous Improvement with Maytag, Caterpillar and Loram Maintenance of Way have prepared him for this role. David enjoys spending his free time making great memories with family, friends and those who cross his path in his volunteer activities. He also enjoys finding quiet time every day to reflect, journal and deepen his understanding of how to be the son, brother, husband, father, friend and leader that God created him to be.
What is you favorite thing about Christ Our Light? “I love our mission statement – and being with our community of people that bring it to life.”