Love God. Live the Eucharist.

Grad Mass & Breakfast

We, at Christ Our Light will be recognizing all of our High School graduates on Sunday, May 19, 2024, at the 10:30am Mass.

All graduates wear their gown and any honor cord/sashes they have received.  No caps yet, that is reserved until the graduation ceremony. On the morning of, graduates are all to meet in the chapel (back of church) at 10:00AM to learn of the procedure, processing in, etc.

Following the 10:00am Mass, we will have a meal for the graduates and their families.  We need to know how many to plan for, so please contact the parish office with the number from your household that will be attending.  Call us at 763-389-2115 or email Mammas H. Mammas (Youth and Young Adults Coordinator) at

Also, Christ Our Light offers two $500.00 scholarships for our Seniors.  If your son/daughter would like to apply, have them fill out the enclosed application and bring/send it back by Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

We look forward to celebrating this important milestone for your graduate,

The Staff of Christ Our Light Catholic Parish