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Christmas, December 25, 2023: Candy Canes

This is the time for lots of celebration and joy. But I have a question for you . . . what kinds of things scare you? [Elicit responses from kids: spiders, ghosts, etc.]. Well, can you imagine that you’re a shepherd long ago and it’s the middle of the night, you’re probably sleeping and usually shepherds just slept outside on the ground near their sheep? Suddenly this thing comes to visit you . . . it’s an angel. Most of us think of the angel appearing up in the sky, but we don’t know for sure. And do you remember what the very first thing that the angel said to the shepherds? [Elicit responses . . . “Do not be afraid”]


Now why would the angel say such a thing? Probably because they looked afraid just like the gospel says, “they were struck with great fear.” You know, maybe they were shaking or they wet their pants or something. That same message was also said to Mary when the angel Gabriel went to tell her that she’s going to have a baby.” It wasn’t the first thing, but close to the first thing.


Sometimes we can all become afraid, even if something wonderful is going to happen. For example, remember the very first day of school or the first time that you sat on Santa’s lap? Those are wonderful but they can be scary. Or for you adults . . . the first time back to church in a long while, or the first reconciliation . . . all wonderful things, but we might be afraid at first.


Well I want to show you a symbol that we use at Christmas time that is also meant to tell us not to be afraid. [Bring out a large Candy Cane] What is this? [Candy cane] Probably the first candy canes weren’t bent at all: just straight pieces of white candy. Parents would give this kind of candy to quiet the kids up, like a sucking nook does today. Well the hook could have been added to help hand candy canes on Christmas trees, but I like to think that it’s to remind us of someone.


What does the cane resemble? [Elicit a shepherd’s hook] The shepherds were the first ones to hear of the birth of Jesus, but there is also who is called the Good Shepherd. Who is that? [Jesus] Why is that? [Elicit responses . . . that a good shepherd takes care of sheep, especially if one gets lost] Sometimes we all get lost, or don’t act the way that we could, and it’s like Jesus is a shepherd for us. Not to beat us [pretend to hit someone] “You stupid kid” No, to gently nudge us along like a good shepherd would.


Hardness – solid rock, the foundation of the Church, firmness of the promise of God.

White - the pure goodness of Jesus.

Red stripe - added to remind of Jesus’s eventual suffering. Red being the color of blood.

Taste is peppermint - like hyssop used at the crucifixion.


At the end of Mass, I have a candy cane for all you kids. Your candy also has three tiny red stripes along with the large red stripe. This is how we get involved. I’d like to think that the three tiny stripes are a reminder that all of us will face tough things. Or times we will feel afraid. You see, for some people Christmas is a very hard time, because of either loneliness, a death or just not having things happen, as we would like them to. And we celebrate a God who is with us, especially in our difficult times.


[Story] It’s like the story of the Grandparents who were babysitting their infant granddaughter. She was crying from her crib and Grandpa wanted to go and pick her up. “Oh don’t do that,” says Grandma, “she’ll be fine. You’ll just spoil her.” She kept crying and Grandpa again wanted to go and get her. “No don’t, she’ll be fine.” She kept crying . . . so Grandpa sneaks into the room and gets into the crib with her. That’s what God is like . . . not staying far away but being right near us.


This goes for all of us . . . to remember that no matter what will happen to us; no matter how hard things get . . . we have a God who will always be there for us, believing in us, loving us.


For when things get tough in the New Year . . . go out and get a candy cane. Because it’s one of the only food items that [turn candy upside down] is the letter “J” to represent Jesus.


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