Love God. Live the Eucharist.

June 2021 archive of Blog

June 2021 archive of Blog

June 27, 2021: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Jennifer Adams on 6/26/21

Presided by Fr. Eb Schefers.

June 20, 2021: F.E.A.R.

Posted by Jennifer Adams on 6/19/21

As I asked you at the beginning of Mass to introduce yourself name a fear that you have, you probably recognize that there are all sorts of things to be fearful of . . . heights, sharks, climate change, nuclear war, divorce, etc.


Some of you may ... Read More »

June 13, 2021: Kingdom Flourishing

Posted by Jennifer Adams on 6/12/21

June 6, 2021: Reaching Out

Posted by Jennifer Adams on 6/04/21

Look around.  Who should be here with us?  Who is it that was once participated in our liturgies but hasn’t been lately (for whatever reason)?  I want you to take the index card that was given to you and write the names of three people who haven’t been ... Read More »


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