At the end of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is depicted sitting on a throne and he separates all those who have died into two groups . . . like a shepherd separates sheep or goats. The sheep go to heaven, the goats don’t. Well, the problem for us is that we are all probably part sheep (in that we have done some good things) and we are all probably part goats (in that we have fallen short, or more specifically we could have done more).
And often we think of sheep being so cute and cuddly, but what about goats? For example look at these baby goats [Goats are brought in].
These little ones are about a week old. These are Nigerian Dwarf goats. They will grow to stand about 22 inches and could weigh around 50-60 pounds. But right now they are tiny. Did you know that there are 83 breeds of goats. And goats are a main source of food for most developing countries. In fact it is the #1 source of meat in the whole world. Goat meat is lean. The milk from goats is also highly prized.
Goats are popular in all the world, especially dry regions, because they are not picky eaters. They love any green plants (brush, grains, etc). Basically all they need is grain and water and they are good.
Anyway, back to you and me, and which side we’ll end up at judgment day. There are lots of people who do things just to impress God . . . e.g. they’ll come to church, pray a lot, look holy.
Jesus died and rose to break open the invitation list for heaven.
As the young man (or angel) told the women at the tomb, “Go and tell others.” He did not say, “Stay here and worship.” No, the plan is to go out and make a difference. In fact go be more like a goat . . . .
Goats like to be around others. Go and be more social. Get off your couch and go visit.
Goats are extremely curious. Go try new things this Easter season. Go ask more questions to people you know. For example, today, if you are visiting some older relatives . . . ask about their lives growing up.
Goats are not fussy. Some of you (especially high school kids) hang out in clichés too often. Go meet some new people.
Goats don’t mind looking ridiculous. Have a goal this Easter, strive to do at least one good humiliation each day. Laugh at yourself.
Goats are not afraid to do want they want. Too many of us, spend out whole lives pleasing others. Well stop that and do what you want to do.
Finally, and this is why a goat is an ideal symbol for Easter is that they are one of the most joyful animals God created. These little ones will start jumping within a few days of being born.
Easter is about joy. It’s the joy of getting a new start. It’s the joy of moving on from our mistakes and wrongs. It’s the joy of celebrating a God who knows us and loves, even with all of our flaws and problems.
I say, “Don’t worry about going to heaven. Instead, focus on creating heaven right here.” And what the world needs so badly right now is joy. Perhaps the world is waiting for your joy.
Maybe there are enough sheep qualities in you and enough goat qualities in you that God will at judgement day, “Come on in.”
Pope Francis wrote in the Joy of the Gospel.
“Instead of imposing new obligations,
(Christians) should appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty and who invite others to a delicious banquet.”
Do like the angel said in the gospel, go and tell others.