Life is hard. Many of us are presented with difficult situations and burdens. In the gospel, Jesus comes to the Jordan river. Why? To be baptized. Many times it seems like our lives are like being in a river . . . e.g. swimming, trying to find something to hang-unot, or even feeling as if we are drowning.
I have a song for you. [Sing and play on guitar GOD IS A RIVER, by Peter Mayer]
In the ever-shifting water of the river of this life
I was swimming, seeking comfort; I was wrestling waves to find
A boulder I could cling to, a stone to hold me fast
Where I might let the fretful water of this river 'round me pass
And so I found an anchor, a blessed resting place
A trusty rock I called my savior, for there I would be safe
From the river and its dangers, and I proclaimed my rock divine
And I prayed to it "protect me" and the rock replied
[Refrain] God is a river, not just a stone. God is a wild, raging rapids
And a slow, meandering flow. God is a deep and narrow passage
And a peaceful, sandy shoal. God is the river, oh swimmer, So let go.
Wow, to let go is hard. Everyday we are faced with things to let go of. Little things and huge things. Sometimes it feels as if we are only trying to stay alive.
At the time of Jesus, especially after the resurrection, when people were baptized they were put under the water and held there, so it would seems like they were going to die. Then they come up gasping for breath. Wow, that is powerful. They become alive, anew in Christ..
Many of us feel like we are going to die, and we are struggling to get by. So we cling to things, even if those things are not good for us, not helpful and even could harm us. Still we often will stay with something we know, because to let go of it and face the unknown seems even scarier.
But what if, instead of thinking of God as a rock that we need to hang-onto . . . what if God were the river? What if God has plan for you? What if all God asks you to do is to “let go” and trust?
That means, that God is a flow. The flow might be scary and filled with the unknown.
How do we let go? To keep communicating with God. And be honest with God and with yourself. Keep reading the scriptures. Keep close to the church, especially the sacraments.
Mother Teresa told fr. Henri Nouen, “Spend an hour in prayer, not do any to hurt others and you’ll be fine.”
Jesus enters the river and good things happen to him. Are you ready?
[Sing verse 2]
Still I clung to my rock tightly with conviction in my arms
Never looking at the stream to keep my mind from thoughts of harm
But the river kept on coming, kept on tugging at my legs
Till at last my fingers faltered, and I was swept away
So I'm going with the flow now, these relentless twists and bends
Acclimating to the motion, and a sense of being led
And this river's like my body now, it carries me along
Through the ever-changing scenes and by the rocks that sing this song
[Refrain] God is a river, not just a stone. God is a wild, raging rapids
And a slow, meandering flow. God is a deep and narrow passage
And a peaceful, sandy shoal. God is the river, oh swimmer, So let go.