Love God. Live the Eucharist.

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October 29, 2023: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time


[I invite the kids in costume to come up and sit in sanctuary]. OK who is has a scary costume on?  [They stand and I describe the costumes]  Who is wearing a super hero or a princess?

[Describe the costumes]  What else do we have?  [I describe those costumes]


OK, now think . . . is your character good or bad?  Whose is good? [They stand and I put on an angel halo]   Whose character is bad?  [They stand and I put on a devil’s horns]


Now, notice that in the gospel Jesus tells us to love our neighbor AS ourselves.  He does not say love AS MUCH AS you love yourself, no.  He says to love our neighbor (which is pretty much anybody, not just those who live by us) as an extension of ourselves. 


For example, do you want good things for yourself, like getting a lot of candy tonight at Trunk or Treat?  Of course you do.  We want good things for ourselves.  So we should want good things for others also.  That is, to wish them well, to congratulate them when things go well.

To feel good when they feel good.


But, who here has not done something naughty?  [Raise your hand]  Right, we all have sinned.  We are all sinners. We have a little bit of badness in us.  And so do others.  What are some bad things that kids your age have done?  [Elicit response] Yah, but we are not to judge them.  That’s God’s job.  We can only do the best we can do. 


And God loves us no matter what.  Of sure, God may be disappointed in us (especially when we do something bad) but God will never stop loving us.  And our job is to try to do that to others. 

Especially when they are bad.  For you adults try to see others in all their complexity and depth.  You are not perfect and neither is that person at work, or next door.  Love them as you love yourself.


Look on your worship aids and notice the little sign: I NEED LOVE THE MOST WHEN I DESERVE IT THE LEAST. We all have a bit of an angel in us [put on my halo] and a bit of the devil in us [put on my horns].  God loves us no matter what.  We should try to love others, no matter what.


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