I have a story about an incident that occurred a few weeks ago. It happened on a school bus. Our hero (who I will call “Charlie”) who is about 9 years old and just sat down with his friend “Joe” also nine years old. Immediately, one of the kids on the bus called out to Joe by using the “N word.” Immediately Charlie stands up and starts pulling at his hair and yells, “You can’t say that. That’s not right.” Now that’s cool enough, but the best part is that all the kids sitting around this incident also start yelling at the kid with, “That’s not right, you can’t say that.”
And I say, “Wow, kudos to you educators, parents, family members and support people . . . it’s working.” Now I have no idea what happened to the kid who yelled out that racist comment and maybe that’s something he’s heard a million times at home, but I must believe it made him stop and think if that was the right thing to say.
In the second reading, Paul's letter to the Philippians, he encourages us to “keep on doing what you have learned and received.” Yes, there is racism in our communities. Yes, there is narrow mindedness that sees that world through tunnel vision . . . BUT more so, there are good people who join together (like the kids on the bus) who do and say the right things . . . and the world becomes better. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, Somewhere along the way, we must learn that there is nothing greater than to do something for others.”
In the gospel Jesus talks about relying on the corner-stone. Now, a corner stone is the most important stone in building a building. It is the first stone laid down and the rest of the building is built upon it.
We, as a parish, have a corning stone in Christ. And we build upon it with our Mission Statement: LOVE GOD, LIVE THE EUCHARIST. But we have also recently updated our vision statements about who we are and what we stand for. Look at the back cover of your SIGN ME UP forms. There you will see our vision statements:
1. “Heart of Christ” – Gather. We extend Christ’s love by welcoming all with genuine compassion and acceptance.
2. “Body of Christ” - Grow. We foster dynamic discipleship, as a Eucharistic community rooted in Christ and the sacraments.
3. “Hands and Feet of Christ” – Go. We empower all to love and serve, as Christ commands.
These build upon the corner-stone of Christ as our guide, our hope and our light. And notice that the entire structure is built upon community. That each aspect of what you are invited to participate in . . . is for the GOOD OF OTHERS!!! Because if we are to foster healthy and moral children (who do the right things) and if we are to continue to Gather, Grow and Go into the world to make a difference, it DEPENDS on each of you to step up and volunteer.
[In introduce Nancy Thielke who instructs all on how to complete the forms.]
[Especially to point out the importance for EACH to fill it out. And there’s a section on the front for all (even visitors) to respond to: What would you like to see happen at Christ Our Light?