[Everyone deserves someone who knows them]
I have a story for you. Back when I was in grade school at a Catholic school, we went to Mass every school day. Once wen I was in 5th grade, I remember coming back to the pew from communion and the adult in charge was making sure each of us held our hands in prayer with the fingers nice and straight [Demonstrate]. I remember getting back to my pew and talking to God (in my head) and saying, “God, you really don’t care how we hold our hands do you?” And I received the message from God that said, “That’s right. But go along with it.” And so I did.
From the moment on . . . I felt a special connection with God. Not feeling superior or more holy, . . . but a recognition that God and I had a connection. I was delighted to have this connection. And I have never lost that feeling. EVER!
Here is a statement that I want you to memorize: “Everyone deserves someone who knows you completely.” Wow, that is quite a statement. I would call it a truth. Each of you (us) deserves this truth, this gift . . . just by being you.
I would say that therapists, mentors, spiritual directors and support groups are society’s way of contributing to this truth. And those are all good. If any of you are having a trouble with something (anything), I strongly recommend going to a counselor; or find a support group. Those are a way of having someone know you completely. The trouble is, that it is often a one sided relationship. The therapist might know you, but you don’t know him/her.
Marriage is love’s way of inviting that truth (of being known). Ideally, those who are married are known and know their spouse. It’s an invitation for it to happen. But too often, it doesn’t happen. Perhaps because one (or both) do not want to share everything or to be known. But try it. Let yourself be known by your spouse.
Friendship is life’s way of naming this truth. If you have one or two good friends in your life . . . you are a blest person. Maybe that person is your spouse or a family member. But to have someone that you can trust and be authentic with is such a gift.
And here’s the real “kicker” . . . when I say that each of you deserves someone who knows you completely, the best way of being known is to have a deep relationship with God (or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit . . . it doesn’t matter which being of God you feel most drawn to). The important aspect is to let yourself be known. That is, to be completely honest with God. And the MOMENT that you dare think that there is ANYTHING that you cannot talk to God about . . . is the moment that you live out today’s gospel. That is, that you get God and money mixed up.
Money can be a metaphor for ALL the things that we put in place of God. It can be real money, or it can be a possession, an activity, our ego, our self-importance. Jesus doesn’t say that those are bad . . . but that they are not God. “Give to God what is God’s” Which means give to God your honesty, your vulnerability, your shame, your goof-ups.
Next weekend we will recognize the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. This is when a Catholic monk named Martin Luther who lived in Germany wanted to make some changes in the Catholic Church. The Church didn’t like it, so they kicked him out. The changes were various reforms like having the Mass said in the language of the people so that common folks could understand it (instead of Latin). Or that Churches would stop demanding that people paid a fee to have their sins forgiven. Well, when Luther was kicked out, he started a religion named after him. That is, Luther-ans. And he didn’t reinvent the liturgy, so he just copied what he knew . . . the Mass. That is why the Lutheran Service resembles a Catholic Mass in many ways. His protesting starting movements of other groups protesting what they didn’t like . . . so all of those religions are called protest-ants, or protestants. Get it?
Anyway, Martin Luther had many great sayings. One of his best is “Never lie to God.” Which includes “Don’t tell God a half-truth.” You know, as many of you teenagers do to your parents when they ask, “Where were you last night?” And you answer, “I was at Joe’s house.” Which is true, but you were also at Mark’s house, and McDonald’s, and Shanna’s house. Don’t do that with God. Don’t lie to God. Give God your all. Don’t give God half of yourself.
I believe that God wants to be close to you. And my theory is the reason so many people (especially young people) have a hard time enjoying Mass or getting involved with Church events, is that they haven’t been close to God. Or that they have some activity or deed that they are ashamed of . . . so it becomes easier just to sit there and stare, rather than connect with God. AND other activities are used to replace God. For example getting close to a video game, or getting close to a sport, or getting so involved with this “other thing” (and ALL of those things can be lumped together to be called “money.”)
Well, you deserve having God understand you completely. Let God in. Don’t hesitate to talk to God about ANYTHING. God does understand. God does love you. God knows you. I say that Jesus is God’s way of revealing that truth of being known. God is not someone “out there somewhere.” Or God is not so removed from our lives that God doesn’t understand. Jesus was here on earth, fully human . . . which means he had hiccups, and bad breath, stubbed his toe, probably passed gas, enjoyed sunsets, laughing with friends, loved his mom. Jesus is God’s way of revealing the truth that you deserve being understood. Let God into your life.
Now regarding the holding of your hands in prayer. A young adult suddenly started holding his hands like that at Mass. I asked him about it. He said that when he puts his hands together with fingers straight, it helps him concentrate on God more. I like that. If that works for you to concentrate, then do it. But DO NOT do it to impress others or to impress God. God is already impressed. You are not going to earn more of God’s love. You can’t. God already is fully in love with you. Maybe it’s time for you to start falling in love with God.